


According to Wikipedia Corruption is a form of dishonest or unethical conduct by a person entrusted with a position of authority, often to acquire personal benefit.
   Corruption is not a disease. its a lifestyle.Just as one choses a re;ligion,  so do people chose to be corrupttion. Anyone who says that corruption "infects "  is a liar.  The person is one of two things
1.its either the person has been "brain washed" by someone  who understands the true meaning of corruption, or the lifestyle has been chosen for that individual right from bierth.

2.The second group of people consist of about 60% of the population. these individuals are educated either in school or through life experiences. They chose their path. Some of them go as far as becoming politicians. Some of which we see today.

    If you dont  understand the concept of corruption , you cannot grow in politics. To be a good politician you have to be corrupt. F
Many Nigerians expect Corruption to be fought by the leaders; its wrong. For  corruption to be limited , we all have to come together and stand for the right thing no matter how difficult it is. We need to start from the little things before we can Get rid of the great ones.
Lying, cheating, bribery, stealing.......
 Let us say no to corruption so that our children can see what a life without corruption feels like. Take a stand, Change your lifestyle, Help your neighbour do the same because we are in so deep that Non of us have felt or seen a life without corruption.
Corruption is "Evil" and evil is becoming a normal day to day activity. Lets stop waiting for another Messiah and put what we say   to work .

   Love your Neighbour, be peaceful, Obey the law And together we can drive corruption out  of our country.

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